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Default Jul 05, 2023 at 10:50 AM
Originally Posted by will19 View Post
I think about my future a lot. I feel like my future looks bleak. It seems like every morning before getting out of bed, I have dreaded thoughts about the future. But after breakfast and then getting busy, I feel a little bit better. But still, my bleak future stays on my mind.

I feel like I should leave the area where I live because I'm living slightly above my means. But I don't know where to re-locate to. I'm retired, older now, and never been married. So, lots of times, I feel like good times and fun with other people are all in the past; and those kind of times will never happen again. I only have a small handful of friends and they are not of the best quality. And they may be not around in the near future. My family has dissolved so there will never be any kind of getting together with them.

I feel like I'm "borderline" as far as wanting to depart from this world. I feel like I'm too young to go but yet I sort of feel like I'm ready to go now. I imagine in ten years from now, I will definitely be ready to depart.
Same here. I don't think about the future a lot but don't feel optimistic about it in spite of societal pressure to do so. And to be optimistic about this country.

No real friends here except one, who's a thousand miles away in another state. No family left and my estranged brother has been vicious to me once our parents started declining in health. So I obviously don't count him.

Not afraid of death anymore. And I think the WORLD is dying, look at this planet. With all the apocalyptic events going on, it seems to be the world WANTS to end.

Call me "owl" for short!

Hmmm....looks like some good tips in here.

"Okay, enough photos. I'm a very BUSY Business Kitty, so make an appointment next time."
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ArmorPlate108, LadyShadow, mar dhea, TheGal, will19
Thanks for this!
LadyShadow, will19