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Default Jul 16, 2023 at 11:56 AM
Originally Posted by Soupe du jour View Post
I certainly see your point about a 3-month injectable taking long to get off, if it is the culprit of your syncope. Does your doctor think it would be less likely to cause it than the pill form? I wonder why, if that is his thinking.

I would think that unless your doctor knows something about the injectable being more side effect friendly, there must be other reasons for the injectable. For example, if you tended to miss or skip that medication frequently. Or, if it happened to cost less money.

Obviously, I don't know your doctor's reasons, or if the injectable is a good idea. I will say that I find the extended release (XR) of Seroquel a bit more side effect friendly than the instant release (IR). I attribute that to the "action", as I call it in layman's terms.

Hi Soupe, you hit the nail on the head; my doctor indeed believes that XR invega offers less side-effects. He doesn't know why I suffered a syncope so he's just getting ready to brush this one time reaction under the carpet and move on - I was told by the doctors that going to the toilet at night can create a syncope, but I'm still "young" I don't understand why and it scares me.

I used to throw my seroquel to the trash but after an awful mania and psychosis that made me lose my job, I'll never try it again - hope my doctor knows it and trusts me once more, it was a terrible blunder.

Lastly, I tried to convince my doctor to go for a seroquel monotherapy, since lithium doesn't help me much and I fear valproic, but he refused. According to him, this possibility is only valid for people whose body rejects lithium/valproic and there's no other option... it's too soon to tell what valproic will be able to do for me. If I have another full blown mania+psychosis in 6 months, I'll know valproic hasn't improved anything for me. I hate taking toxic meds and getting blood tests, truly.

Thanks for your help, Soupe, I needed to get this off my chest.

Dx: bipolar type 1 with psychosis + some OCD

Invega 3mg
Depakine 800mg
Plenur 400mg
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