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Member Since Feb 2014
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Default Jul 23, 2023 at 04:29 AM
Long post ahead.
Please help! I am incredibly anxious and uneasy about this whole thing.

Currently on a vacation with my sister, her family, their friends (a couple) and kids, and my mom. It has been stressful to say the least.

Backstory --

My older sister has a history of talking disrespectfully to people, including me. Her behavior is rude at times and agressive. I admit sometimes i get so wrapped up in pleasing her that it's hard to be mad at her. I just dismiss it and let it slide. I have been nervous to talk to her about things especially finances or big picture things my whole life, especially now as an adult. I have talked to her in the past about how she makes me feel, and why she is the way she is. I have spent nights crying while my husband comforts me. I have confided in friends. I have gone through therapy (even now). I've had moments where I have talked back and stood up for myself, but not all the time.

Her daughters have even seen it and have even asked why she is mean to me, auntie. Everyone, friends, family members, in laws, strangers and my own friends have always clashed with her because of power dynamics and strong personality, and knit picking. Most of the time I agree so I don't have to disagree. I just go along and take it. To the point where I lose my sense of self and voice. I lived with her and her family for years and endured a lot of the traits of her personality. My husband believes that my growth was stunted while living there. My mom has tried to calling her out. I get anxious during holidays and am afraid to hist Thanksgiving because I'm scared of being criticized for cooking something not good.

Present day--
There were a few moments on this trip where she was blatantly was rude to my husband (of 6 months.. I need to add that we were just married in Dec.). He is very patient and has never once talked back because he doesn't want to get in a confrontation with her.

Before now and even on this trip, my husband anticipated many thinfs that would go wrong. My husband has asked repeatedly over the course of our relationship for me to build healthy distance and draw boundaries with my sister , so we can avoid fights. There are a lot of personality differences, lots of top-down decision-making from my sister on this trip. I didnt plan it well either and could have avoided this entire storm had I thought things through. Being me... Slow to make (good) decisions and impulsive, and stupid, I didn't handle the situation and let her negativity and actions affect our marriage.

My husband was quite angry by her comments and insults that he and I uprooted prior commitments to travel to another city last minute. We got into a huge fight and he ended up flying out back home. We ended up contacting my mom, who understood his perspective about why he was angry. He has done nothing but try to stand up for me even when I don't have the courage.

Well.... he and my sister got into an argument (on the phone) about things that have happened on this trip, all events in the past leading up to now. She laughed and minimized a lot of her actions after he had explained them. After all was said and done, I talked to her and felt really guilty. She cried on the phone with me because culturally, a younger sibling is never supposed to be disrespectful or talk back. But in the same breath, she insulted him again when she was on the phone with me and asked me why I was taking sides.

My brother-in-law texted me later and basically cut off my husband saying he's not welcome anymore and that he means nothing to them, I should think about what I did, how immature I was to rearrange plans. He kept reiterating how much my sister loves me and raised me. These are things that are true, and I don't deny them. I just dont think that should give people reasons to be rude or disrespectful to anyone.

This feels like it is all my fault. I could've avoided this whole thing and now I have to sit with this mess that I made. I had a chance to speak to my mom, who understood our points. She saw that my husband stood up for me,just like my brother-in-law stands by my sister. Regardless of cultural expectations, my husband stands by what he said and doesnt feel bad because no one else has ever called her out or said anything about this.

Even my mom told me not to stress because it's not a huge huge deal. I keep reminding her of how bitter my sister is and she will hold a grudge until the very end.

As a wife, I stand by my husband. As a sister, I have a guilty conscious that I brought this this far. As a friend, I am ashamed that I embarrased myself in front of the family friends.

Please, give advice about this life-changing moment.... Does it change things for the future? Why am I so worried about other people?

Sorry for the rambling and if it is unclear.

Last edited by rukspc; Jul 23, 2023 at 04:44 AM..
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