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3rd rock
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Default Aug 04, 2023 at 05:15 PM
Thank you! Since that evening, the burn has been healing. She doesn't seem to be picking at it, which is a relief. The vet said that if she picked at it I'd have to come back and get them to put a collar on her (like a cone you would put on dogs or cats, but for birds). But that doesn't look like it's going to be necessary. I still have to give her the antibiotics twice a day, which she really doesn't like. I have to hold her awkwardly and shove this plastic syringe into her beak to give it to her, but it's usually over quickly and then she's back to her usual affectionate self. I'm very relieved she seems to be recovering fully from the burn and that it doesn't look like it's going to get infected. I rely on her friendship and affection so much just to get through the day. Without her I just would be so utterly despondent.
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Thanks for this!