If you saw her on 4th of July it’s only a month ago. Married employed people with busy lives don’t see friends more often than that. And if she has other friends and obligations, seeing you more often is unreasonable. How often is she supposed to see you?
Your issues with these people are mostly because you want lots of time with them but it’s unreasonable. You need hobbies and interests that you can enrich your life with
. It also seems to me that you want to be with these women because you need company for activities. You don’t seem to see them because you like them. You don’t seem to like them. You only ever have bad things to say about them.
If you only need them for activities, they can’t be always available, their free time is limited. And when they tell you they are busy you call it lying, passive aggressive, gaslighting etc You want them honest and direct but when they are honest and direct, you call them liars. It’s a vicious cycle. You need something else. This doesn’t seem to be working