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Default Aug 08, 2023 at 06:46 AM
Originally Posted by jesyka View Post
It seems to me that most men have almost no empathy for other people usually. To me it seems as if they can’t stand to listen to anything that’s emotional.

The only emotions thet seem to have are physical ones & anger. Why? My husband is almost like a damn robot he’s so cold. He shows love to our cat but not me usually.

I don’t get men at all. It sucks being seen as to to ‘sensitive’ & it hurts being dismissed & ignored all the time.

Does anyone else have these issues with the men in their life? I rarely get asked about my day or receive any compliments either. It’s always nagging, criticism, complaining, threats, demands, being asked to cook or clean, etc, ugh!

I hate most men now.
What was your husband like when you two dated? Was his personality aloof and 'cold' the way you describe him now?

Your husband sounds like he's not emotionally available to you in the way that you deserve/need him to be, if he treats you the way you describe:

I rarely get asked about my day or receive any compliments either. It’s always nagging, criticism, complaining, threats, demands, being asked to cook or clean, etc, ugh!
Have you asked him why he treats you this way? Have you let him know that the way he treats you feels hurtful and disrespectful to you?

I don't think you are too 'sensitive.' Gaslighters use that to undermine their victim's self-confidence. Usually, gaslighters view emotionally available people as a threat to their own emotional vulnerability; a threat because they have chosen to repress whatever trauma they experienced as children from their parents growing up.

I found a blog about emotionally unavailable men for you.

Have you asked him to go to couples counseling with you? That may be a possible next step to help you communicate with him how you feel, without him shutting you down by yelling at you,etc. Sorry to read that you're in this unvalidating kind of relationship with your husband.
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Thanks for this!
Discombobulated, nonightowl, TishaBuv