Thread: Roll Call 200
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Sometimes psychotic
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Default Aug 10, 2023 at 05:10 PM
Originally Posted by Desoxyn View Post
Everyone Was Wrong About Antipsychotics | WIRED

Antipsychotic amphetamines will be created...

Possibly elaborate SP... Cuz I like to think that amphetamine does something good to the brain.. Idk why it doesn't give me psychosis.. I'll have to read this again..

I would give anything though, to take just an antipsychotic, that had cognitive enhancing properties...

D1 receptor (Ok I'll look that up) - My gf is being really horny though.. I need to set boundaries...

Hmm.. They seem very similar. But most drugs that target D1, mostly target D2 first.

And then the serotonin 2A/1A receptors (Tryptamines, lysergamides etc).. Idk what those are all about, for schizophrenia..

Des the specifically selected for d2 block because that’s supposedly the mechanism but what this paper is saying is it’s really d1….

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Thanks for this!