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Desert Kitty hates titles
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Unhappy Aug 11, 2023 at 02:11 PM
Originally Posted by Motts View Post
snip:[*]I have lost my identity and don't know who I am anymore
[*]I have no interest in wasting time on superficial acquaintance relationships with people anymore[/LIST]
I know the word "orphan" usually refers to kids, but without parents I feel like one.

I too have no interest in superficial or casual "friends" or relationships. It's not that I'm not open to it BUT I won't be the one to look for them. Besides, all close friends start out as acquaintances first, and as strangers before that. I no longer expect anything to develop from these casual relationships. I've been burned way too many times.

Call me "owl" for short!

Hmmm....looks like some good tips in here.

"Okay, enough photos. I'm a very BUSY Business Kitty, so make an appointment next time."
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