Kind of annoyed. I got a copy of my last blood work from my family doctor and the liver doctor. The one my family doctor ran last week were all good. I talked to the liver doctor yesterday and she said everything was fine, but looking at them today it showed my iron level was 4 (normal is between 6-27).
So… why didn’t anyone tell me my iron was low? My family doctor didn’t test my iron last week so he didn’t know, but the liver doctor had the results and said I was fine.
I called my family doctor and asked if I should be retested or should I take iron pills or something. The receptionist said she would pass on the message and call me back. It’s almost 5pm and no one has called me. So that’s a bust. And my doctor is on vacation next week.
I see him on the 22nd so I’m just going to take iron pills until then. See how I feel. Whatever take this into my own hands.
Yeah so I’m annoyed. I’m not mad at my family doctor just healthcare system in general.
I’m trying to save money but I just want to go out right now and get some Starbucks or a milkshake or something to make myself feel better.
I’m going to try to cut out chips. I eat too many chips and they don’t make me feel good really. I have some sweet potato chips I gotta eat but aside from that going to stop eating chips.
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