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Default Aug 16, 2023 at 01:25 PM
Trigger warning.

I have mentioned this breifly in my assault thread. I’d like more specific insight into why I was chosen as a target. I felt bullied & harassed.

I’ll never go to a show alone anymore.

I know I should let it go, but I can’t even though it happened years ago. It would probably help me a bit to make sense of things.

I’m an adult female. I went to a club by myself once since I had no one to go with at the time. My husband hates my music & my friends weren’t interested or available back then.

Anyways, I stood upfront right by the stage. It was a small club. The show was amazing up until the lead singer came up to the very edge of the stage.

I had to look up at him to avoid looking at his groin area, lol. I should’ve moved, but I had a crush on him, lol

So after I was in this awkward position, he all of a sudden thrust his groin area at me! He had shorts on. Omg, my jaw hit the floor! I have been to lots of rock shows & I have never seen anyone do that ever.

He bent his back like Neo did in the Matrix when he was dodging bullets. lol .

I don’t think that I’m that hot, lol. I was mostly covered up too. I was wearing a tight low cut shirt though but I didn’t have any clevage showing. I had on jeans & a long leather jacket.

I should’ve moved, but part of me liked the attention. That guy is hot. I’m not a groupie though.

Even though his actions seem obvious, I’d still like to hear what other people think of why he did what he did.

At the end of the show, he left the stage but then he came back onstage & crouched down in fromt of me.

I froze. I was in shock once again. Especially since I’m shy & I have issues with anxiety. My mind went blank & I couldn’t even look at him. I saw nothing. He was that intimidating to me! He then splashed water on my face.

I felt a few drops of water of my nose & my jacket. I was livid! Thankfully no one laughed at me. Two people made rude comments though The girls next to me & one person called me a nasty name before I went outside.

One guy did say, wow, she’s really pretty when I turned my head. I wish he would’ve said, omg, that guy is a ****, are you OK? Another guy who tried to approach me earlier said hey beautiful in the parking lot. He wasn’t creepy, so I smiled & waved at him

The rockstar left after I looked at him with disgust. Why would he hurt & humiliate a fan like that? Was he offering me water or a chance to go backstage with him?

I refused to hang out with him in private although I would’ve loved to do that since I was by myself. And I was a bit drunk too. I doubt that he’d just want to talk to me, lol. I wasn’t there to hook up. I’m married & asexual. He definitely choose the wrong woman that night, lol.

I was afraid that I could be raped possibly. That guy freaked me out when he thrust his groin inches away from my face!

No one asked me if I was OK or not. Disgusting! I was so shocked that I just managed to wipe the water off of me & I then stood there like an idiot waiting for the next band to come on stage

I left after a few minutes. Outside I approached two of the band members to sign my C.D. Stupid, I know. I mostly did it to ask where the leas singer was so that I could ask him to why he did what he did & to apologize to me what he did.

The first guy was rude & said something about how there was no love lost. He did at least sign my C.D & he told me that the singer would be outside in 45 minutes. So did the other guy. Thet said that he was doing an interview Weird.

So I didn’t bother to wait. I also had the good sense to leave. That guy is crazy & he might’ve just laughed in my face instead of apologizing to me.

Prior to the show I tried to say hi to the band outside. I was the only who tried approaching them before the show.

This roadie stopped me & said no prostitutes. I told him that I’m not one & I then asked him to apologize to me. He didn’t.

He had the nerve to tell me that I wouldn’t get in. I flipped him off, lol. Maybe I gave the band the impression that I was a groupie?

I’d like to hear what people think of this situation & what would you have done if you were me?

I was really hurt that a musician I liked publicly humilated me. I didn’t deserve that at all.

I have never heard of him doing anything like this ever. I was told by a fellow fan that they’re cool & that they are nice to their fans.

So that made me feel even worse than ever. Was I mistreated because the singer felt like I rejected him maybe?

Would the police have done anything at all or the manager of the club have done anything at all
If I told them what happened? This seems like a possible assault case .
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