Thread: Again?!
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Default Aug 16, 2023 at 08:57 PM
hi @Sophia23 Thank you for relating to my situation with your own ancedote of the similarities your situation shares with mine. It helps me to know that other people can really understand what I'm going through, having gone through the same situation themselves.

Today was very surreal at the temp job.

I was required to leave the property for the last half of the afternoon to attend the company event. The other two property managers left without telling me anything and didn't respond to my texts. So, I texted them that I was required via email to attend and that they were cc'd so to expect to see me there.

When I was there, I saw both of them and they 100% ignored that I even existed. I said "Hi" and they just turned and ignored me.

The one property manager made fun of me, when another employee standing next to him asked who I was. He said, "She's our fat temp."

Since no one still hadn't told me if Friday would be my last day, I asked the woman who gave me the laptop last Monday, at their company headquarters. She got mad when I reminded her that I had emailed her last Wednesday, and that I still hadn't heard from her. Then, she got mad when I asked her, "Is this Friday my last day? How long is this assignment?"

She responded, "I don't really know. We just need a warm body in the front office for a while. When we end the assignment we'll let you know." Then she walked away, rudely.

After 2.5 hours, her drunk sister who is also an assistant property manager (lots of booze at this event) came over to me and said, "The CEO overheard you talking to my sister and told me to fire you, because you have such a bad attitude."

The CEO called my temp agency and told my recruiter that despite no complaints about my work performance, he wanted me fired because his assistant didn't like the way I spoke to her at the company event.

So, then the temp agency owner accused me of having a bad attitude too and asked me if I would return to the role tomorrow. I said no, I wouldn't. So, I drove back to the property and turned in my fob and key to the security guard. Some of the homeless tenants I'd befriended over the past 8 days were there and each gave me a hug when I explained that I was fired and would not be returning. They all felt very bad for me and when they gave me hugs, I nearly lost it. These people who lost everything, who are trying to rebuild their lives, to just survive the chaos that comes with being homeless, showed me MORE compassion then the CEO asshole and his two female assistants/sisters and the temp agency owner and his recruiter.

Why IS that? Why do people who have NOTHING have more kindness and compassion for each other, then people who make 6-figures?

After I got home I did a virtual counseling session with a free walk-in clinic. The grad student reminded me that the only person I should care about is myself and to let go of taking on those other people's opinions of me. She said, look at the positive things that happened: "those people hugged you because you were kind to them and engaged them in conversation and fun trivia questions on a white board for the past 8 days. And, you adopted two kittens from a homeless couple who couldn't care for the kittens."

She also said that what I did - to advocate for myself - is great. And that their reaction was negative because they weren't expecting me to advocate for myself, by asking when the assignment was scheduled to end. They just expected me to stay quiet and not ask questions.

And no, I wasn't confrontational. I just asked if Friday was my last day. Clearly, that woman didn't like being asked that question. She could have just answered my email last week with my end date. That would have been the professional response. Just email me, "Here is your end date..." or "We don't know yet but will let you know as soon as we decide." But that's not the choice she made. She was rude to me for asking a simple question. I have every right to ask a question, whether or not its at a company event.
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Hugs from:
Anonymous49105, Molinit, Open Eyes, Sophia23