I had a good day, violin lesson went well, spent time with my boyfriend watching anime and playing yugioh together, then talked about music theory for awhile with him. His guitar teacher and my violin teacher know eachother, his guitar teacher recommended her to me since I was looking for a teacher. She is really good. She plays violin in a band, and her grandmother was a professional violinist. I'm currently learning about the circle of 5ths, this is the link my teacher sent me after our lesson, to read and look at
What is the Circle of Fifths in Music Theory? | by Thomas Chase Jones | Medium
She said I have a very good ear as far as being able to tell when a note is off/too high or too low and my ability to self correct it when I hit something wrong, and she was impressed at my progress over the past week and is excited to have someone excited to actually practice and learn. I'm in this for the long haul, super excited about it
I'm hoping to take lessons for at least 3 years. Hopefully longer but we'll see how my financial situation is in 3 years from now cause things can always change who knows