Has anyone experienced a 'walk-in'? .ie another spirit/soul coming in and taking over your life for a period ...
you feel its still you ..but also feel you aren't alone and can also feel the presence of another? (soul braid)
symptoms can be
suddenly taking up entirely new beliefs or hobbies
suddenly cutting contact with past friends or family because the 'new self' no longer relates to them or see's them as 'their friend/relative'
May have experienced a Near Death Experience or have an illness that has suddenly improved
For a soul braid you may continue with the same life/relationships but experience a change in emotional function, perspective, abilities etc?
More details
What is a walk-in? What isn't? When and why do walk-ins happen? Common walk-in types and scenarios. | Writings | Julia North
I believe I experienced a Soul Braid after having a stroke at home in my sleep, they seemed to takeover temporarily to speed immediate recovery then handed back control but have still remained present to help.