One thing I have learned, and I learned it the hard way, is to not let things get to me and to not see my opinion or feelings as the only options.
I was so inflexible with my wife on so many things and there was simply no reason to be that way. There is not a day that goes by I do not regret that aspect of my old self.
The dog hair from the German sheppard living in the house bothered me so much.
The fact that nobody else washed dishes bothered me.
The fact that when people spilled something, they didn't clean it up properly and I could feel the stickiness on the tile floor bothered me.
And I would vent and complain a d what a useless waste of the precious seconds of our lives.
I doubt I will ever be married or even have a significant other in the future, but one thing I can say with the utmost clarity, is that I will never, ever complain about such trivial things ever again...
I won't waste my time because we are all living on borrowed time...