Thread: Roll Call 201
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Old Sep 26, 2023, 05:50 PM
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Blue_Bird Blue_Bird is offline
Legendary Wise Elder
Member Since: Jun 2013
Location: Middle Earth
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I had today off, I slept really really late because I didn’t get to sleep till like 2am. It takes me a couple hours after getting home to wind down and I didn’t get home till after midnight. Tomorrow I work, Thursday and Friday I have off. Then I work Saturday, Sunday, and Monday.

Sunday I have a violin lesson. I didn’t schedule one for this week because I didn’t really have a chance to practice what I’ve been supposed to work on. So I scheduled it out to the upcoming Sunday and am hoping to get many hours of practice in by then. I’m trying to learn how to practice with a metronome. It’s not easy, for me at least. I’m kind of getting the hang of it but I still sometimes play faster or slower than what I set it to depending on the song/tempo. I know it’s key to playing in time /tempo so I’m gonna try to keep working on it and really get good at using one.

I get paid on Friday. It’s my biggest paycheck yet because I worked 25 hours last week. Some of it’s going to my violin lesson, rest is going towards bills and household essentials and food. Some is staying in my savings for emergencies like getting stranded at the bus stop in the middle of the night when the buses stop running which almost happened last night which would have sucked. That way I can just pay for an Uber if that ever were to happen.

I spent a lot on clothes this month but I really needed new clothes (it’s been a few years since I’ve bought new jeans or shirts). So that’s fine. I’m glad I did. It feels nice to have new clothes that I like. I needed to do it now because Im about to be paying all my bills myself. Most of next months paychecks are going towards savings because my rent stipend ends since I’m working now. So I’ll be paying all of my rent myself, my internet bill, phone bill, etc. And social security will be cut from like $915 a month down to like $150-$200 a month which barely is anything. So yeah most of my moneys going towards rent and bills and household essentials, cat food etc. Which is fine. Occasionally I will buy myself something I want though to keep my motivation going like SP recommended. Next month I’m buying a new pair of bluetooth headphones cause mine aren’t charging well.

But yeah anyway, I’m doing well. Trying to maintain self care cause sometimes it gets pushed to the back burner lately. So I’m trying to make time for games, shows, reading, violin, etc when I’m not working. And sleeping when I can. Showering, hygiene. Taking care of my apartment. It’s hard to balance everything but I’ll get better at it.

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“All the darkness in the world cannot extinguish the light of a single candle.” -St. Francis of Assisi

Schizoaffective disorder Bipolar type
Social Anxiety Disorder
Anorexia Binge/Purge type
Thanks for this!
Angelique67, Desoxyn, MuddyBoots