Originally Posted by Have Hope
So, this is a bit strange.
Guy #2. whom I am now kinda dating (casually at this stage), gave me a super cute plastic duck a couple weeks. ago when I was at his home.
I brought the cute little duck home and placed it on a table where I have crystals on display in my living room.
Well, guy #2 and his friend stayed over last Sat night and left on Sunday.
Monday I noticed that the duck was gone! I have a cat and looked EVERYWHERE for the duck... there is NO sign of the duck!!! I asked guy #2 if he and his friend took the duck as a joke, and he said NO.
But where is the duck!?! I am paranoid and now am questioning whether one of them stole the duck back. It was in plain view in my living room, and I did leave them alone in the room a few different times.
My ex stole from me once or wasn't honest about using my credit card to charge a video game. And he stole from Home Depot once. So, now I am paranoid about meeting similar character types.....
UGH. I HATE thinking this way, but it's only natural since the duck disappeared right after he and his friend visited me.
Hm. That is strange but I would almost have to assume it's the cat until there is evidence otherwise.
Why would he give you the duck and then take it back though?
I hope you find it.
I must say I consider it a bit of red flag if he's a selfish lover, too.