I messed up the other day at work. Not a HUGE colossal mistake, but I stepped on my junior colleague's toes without realizing it. We're building a powerpoint presentation together with others involved too. I revised some of my colleague's slide that he had worked on without asking him first. It had to do with a case study regarding my own work. I updated the slide to show more relevant data and a more relevant graph/chart. Then in our group meeting as we were reviewing the slides, my boss told us as a group to not erase each other's work. She was speaking about me. Man, did I feel horrible. It was an innocent mistake on my part, but I got called out for it and did apologize to my colleague and boss. I woke up this morning still feeling awful about it. I tend to beat myself up over mistakes, even though we all make them.
That aside, the good news is it looks like I am getting a full time, permanent job offer. I've been working there for 11 weeks so far, and my contract doesn't end until January, but they are happy with my work overall and wish to hire me. Great news!!!!! I love working there, and will accept the offer. Hopefully they will give me a decent salary and won't lower the salary from the hourly rate I am earning right now.
Everything else seems to be going very well. They are happy with me, and I am happy with them... this one mistake aside.