Thread: Stuck
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Old Oct 14, 2023, 02:20 PM
Starlingflock Starlingflock is offline
Member Since: Apr 2022
Location: Usa
Posts: 241
"Husband" is trying to repair things somewhat. mostly has he just abstained from being mean for a couple months. he has spent some time with our daughter after luring her with a car. he ended up needing to keep the car for himself. it seems he cant see past the end of his own nose, and lives in the moment.

he is moving into his 6th place since he left here one year and a few months ago. two places he lived with relatives, two places with instant shack up girlfriends, one employer, and now one random strangers from the internet. he has gone back and forth wanting to force sale of the house, and then backs off when he realizes it displaces and disadvantages us.

his introspection seems to have gone as far as reiterating how his upbringing explains his behavior. and he wishes he could have been a good father and husband.

ive been able to process some pain that he caused me. meaning, i can feel it for myself without thinking about things from his perspective. i am still working on processing how he greatly disadvantaged me and the kids.

at this point, im probably safe from allowing him to cause me anymore pain. unless he causes our children more pain.

i do worry that i will somehow disadvantage myself because i am still accommodating, patient, empathetic, and easily manipulated.
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Open Eyes