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Default Oct 22, 2023 at 08:04 AM
So, last night my goal was to only drive 3.5 hours from 8:00 p.m. to 11:30 pm.

My rideshare passengers were normal until the last couple of the evening. I picked up a $25 rideshare passenger and his female companion expecting to commute 35 minutes to their destination (and hopefully earn a nice tip).

That didn't happen. The couple that I picked up started smoking pot within 15 minutes of the drive. I had to pull off the freeway and into a mall area where there were 24/hr eateries open.

I kicked them both out then called the police and the rideshare customer service. I filed a report and the couple are now banned from that rideshare app. I requested a cleaning fee to have the rideshare app pay for interior detailing (to get rid of the pot smell). That request is pending.

I did call the police and he sympathized with me when I asked him for help. He said that since pot is decriminalized now, it was legal for them to smoke pot in my car. I can't file a police report since rideshare doesn't give drivers the passengers real names (people put in whatever name they want to in ride requests, so that makes it impossible to track them unless its the rideshare's customer support team who has their SSN and banking information.

I left the couple at the 24/hr eatery and drove home. I immediately jumped into the bath and did a load of laundry to get rid of the pot smell on my person and my clothing.

Now, I'll have to ask every single future passenger if they have pot and tell them I will cancel their ride if their light up in my car.

What a traumatic experience that was. Some people are reall assholes.
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Hugs from:
Discombobulated, Molinit
Thanks for this!