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Have Hope
Wise Elder
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Default Oct 31, 2023 at 05:57 AM
So, last night, I wrote an email to my old employer who fired me last January.

I came from the perspective of honesty and candor vs. animosity and ill will. I was very straight forward and forthcoming with my thoughts and opinions on what had happened in that job.

I wrote to the CEO and also to the VP. It's a small agency of 20 people and is only 6 years old.

I told the CEO that I believed she let me go because I had to take a leave of absence, and because of my mental health condition.

I told her that she never truly gave me a chance to prove my worth and value at her agency because they dragged their heels for many months on giving me clients so I COULD prove my skills to them. They never gave me any clients, despite telling me each month that they would.

I also told her that I am very happy now in a position that earns me 25K more than what they paid me, and that the company I am in now is very welcoming of me and appreciative of me.

The whole point of this email was to confront the TRUTH.

They didn't want to deal with me because I presented a mental health condition and that caused a problem for them. It was discrimination, but I did not accuse the CEO of discrimination in my email. I simply said that I believe that's why I was let go.

She didn't even have the guts to face me herself and to tell me that she was letting me go last January, when she had been involved in my interview process. She was cowardly, I felt and gutless. She should have been there and she should have had the decency to at least thank me for my hard work and contributions, because I did work very hard for them. But she did not extend that courtesy to me, and I told her this as well in my email. She basically had her underlings do her dirty work for her.

I was not writing out of malice and even wrote that I have no hard feelings because I am very happy where I am now. But the bottom line is that they did not give me a chance to succeed at their agency, and they fed me a dangling carrot, promising clients that never materialized. That is not Ok, so I was honest.

I feel good about this email. I do not need her or anyone from that agency as a reference for any future employment opportunities. I would never even consider asking them. They fired me. Screw them. They lost out, in my opinion. And that also was a part of my tone in this email to the CEO.

"Twenty-five years and my life is still trying to get up that great big hill of hope for a destination"

~4 Non Blondes
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