So I have always been overweight and trying different diets. I have yo yoed so much. My last diet was Alternate Day Fasting. I lost 40 lbs... fast, and gained 40 lbs right back.. fast.
My guess is that of the 40 lbs I lost... 20 of it was muscle.
So I heard a doctor talking about how all her sickest patients had poor muscle and how muscle has a lot of good effects. Her question... are we obese or under muscled?
So, I have never been able to work out before because I work. I leave at 7 am and come home at 7 PM.
But working from home has changed that. I at least, have a shot at working out now.
I also have worked out before and not gained muscle but, this doctor said you can't gain muscle without eating sufficient protein. And I had no idea that sufficient protein was wayyyy wayy more than I was eating and when I was working out before.... I probably wasn't gettting even close to enough.
So I have decided to try to maintain working out for at least 6 months. Weight lifting and some cardio. I have been doing that for about 2 months now. The hope is that I will gain about 10 lbs of pure muscle and that will help with a higher TDEE.
But it is difficult. I hate to have this chore over my head every day and I hate that I have to sometimes break off to get back to work.