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Monster on the Hill
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Default Nov 17, 2023 at 04:57 AM
Because I totally can't use my words to open up verbally on the spot.

Basically the eating disorder is a little unmanageable right now, and I'm a writer so, as they say, "show, not tell." (not as bad as it sounds )I feel awkward going up to this woman who keeps cup noodles and coca cola in her office explaining I've lost significant weight and that not eating makes me feel powerful even grandiose (though that may be the mania talking ). When my ED acts up it's the only time I feel in control of anything. Suppressing one of the basic needs is like a "fk you, God, I'm taking over because you didn't do well for me."

Anyway, my Q is on the show not tell bit. I know it's stupid to obsess over this, but I'm not going to tell T how much weight I've lost. I normally wear sweats to cover up as much as I can, but I think I could push myself into leggings or skinny jeans and a V neck t shirt if it's something she should know. If she doesn't need to know, or if I'm better off writing down on a piece of paper some stuff (what kind of stuff would she want to know? Specific stats? How many pounds I've lost? My current BMI? Daily caloric intake? or just that I've been restricting and purging and occasionally binging?)

Would she even give a shet? When I was binging/purging daily (now it's like 2-3x a week) her questions were "How frequent?" "Have you lost weight?" "Is there still blood?"

(Honestly just looking for a reason to not wear sweats, but I feel suuuuper uncomfortable not wearing them)

[Insert thought-provoking and comedic quote here]
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