Originally Posted by SquarePegGuy
You brought up communication style; I wonder why?
I recently attended a virtual training session at my company on DISC. The idea is that if you know your own style of communicating and the styles of your closest coworkers, we might get along better.
DiSC styles - discprofiles.com
I'm mostly C and S; my boss, D. My most recent 1:1 left me in shock. Like you I thought I was highly productive. But he complained about lack of progress on one project that he gave poor direction on, and about another task that I did that was based on info he failed to update me on. I called him out on this and pushed back hard and said he needed to communicate better.
But still, I felt awful for a couple of weeks after that.
I brought that up because this particular boss (my boss's boss) in my opinion has a poor managerial and communication style. I mean, here I am, a new employee, learning the ropes in a large company, so I am bound to make mistakes as I am learning. But she came down on me SO hard, as though I should have known better and as though I had been there far longer. It had only been less than 3 months. My own boss has a far better communication style, which I appreciate. She knows how to coach me without coming down hard on me.
And good for you for pushing back with your supervisor! That's very courageous and it's important that you stood up for yourself. He needs to take ownership of his own failure to communicate well with you.