Thread: Hypervigilance
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Default Nov 26, 2023 at 05:07 PM
Thanks for your kind words. He has his own phone. I have my own tablet. We do have a TV but we only watch dvds. I am back in therapy. He will not match his behavior to ptsd. He denies it. I will speak of this to my therapist on 12/5. There is no way he will decrease his news intake. I have pointed out this. He just says I have watched the news for decades. I know it is going to fall apart. One side has to win. Then I am the problem. I have called the veterans crisis line. To shorten our conversation there is nothing to be done u less He is willing. I need to think if I will ask him to safely store the guns. Unfortunately I am hurt again.
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Hugs from:
Pflowers, TheGal
Thanks for this!