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Default Dec 04, 2023 at 04:21 PM
Either that or they accuse you or trying to start a fight or an argument with them?

They simply say I don’t want to hear it. Any attempt to talk to them period seen as the other person trying to start a fight no matter how calm or rational or respectful the other person is. It’s really frustrating.

Is there anyway to communicate with extremely stubborn people like this?

Why are some people like this? Is this their way of maintaining control over a situation or a person? By not allowing them to communicate how they feel? By forcing the other person to not do or say certain around the other person that would upset them?

Maybe they don’t care enough about the other person to try to resolve any issues or to work put any compromises?

Have you ever personally dealt with anyone like this? If so, how did you handle the situation?
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