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Old Dec 05, 2023, 05:08 PM
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jesyka jesyka is offline
Grand Poohbah
Member Since: Jun 2020
Location: U.S
Posts: 1,505
I’m 51 years old & still not confident. Does any older people on here still not feel confident about themselves either?I have always had self esteem issues due to being bullied my whole life by my family & some of my former classmates, supervisors & coworkers.

I’ve always been shy & introverted. I used to suffer from panic attacks. I still have social anxiety, but I don’t get panic attacks anymore thankfully.

I tried therapy & medication but nothing really helped me much. I’m not really getting anymore support from friends or my husband. They don’t really want to support me. Especially my husband.

He is a cold & unempathic person. He tends to blame me for most of my problems & he thinks that I’m to sensitive & that I overreact to things.

I have tried reading articles & books on building self esteem, but nothing works.

It’s hard to feel good about yourself when people keep criticizing you & saying stuff like you’re fat, or you’re to negative, weird, to sensitive, crazy, etc. It hurts.

Even do called friends have put me down before & complained about me . Two of them actually accused me of being a drug addict for taking prescription medication.

So because of this, I have low self esteem. Ocassionay some people will say nice things about me, but it’s not that often. I tend to get ignored, dismissed & disrespected often.

I don’t deserve that as I’m a good person who usually treats other people with respect. I rarely disrespect other people intentionally. I’m kind & honest too.

I don’t understand why people mistreat me at times. This is why it’s hard for me to be a confident person.
Thanks for this!