This is a side fear of mine because my family had attempted to commit me, or used the threat of committal (but then decided against it because I might tell them what happened at home).
I watched my mom attempt to commit my brother under false pretenses into a psych ward because he asked her to participate in family counselling.
My aunt has insisted I was in a psychosis when I caught her in a lie, and attempted to gaslight me into believing I have a poor memory, and accused me of lying about the abuse.
I was no contact with my mom but my aunt has attempted to disregard my boundaries by handing out my address to my mother before she died. I think she did it to show me she doesn't believe me and to punish me for saying I was (reasonably) afraid of my superintendent.
Of course my aunt swears up and down I attacked her about this information and swears she never said she almost gave my address to my mother (although she did). I have a concern she will continue at attempting to disregard my boundaries because I have changed my phone # and email so she can't contact me.
I have a side fear of them intruding on my life in damaging ways.