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Unhappy Dec 23, 2023 at 03:00 PM
Originally Posted by will19 View Post
snip: This may sound weird but lately I have trying to avoid my neighbors simply because I don't want to be asked what will I be doing or hear, "Merry Christmas". Hearing it makes me cringe.

The holidays can be a dreary time for many. It's either because of loneliness, illnesses, or having some tragedies to deal with. Sometimes tragedies happen around the holidays which makes it brutal. Well anyways, we'll try to get through this.
I've been trying to avoid my neighbors too, especially certain ones like this woman who is always perky no matter what is going on in the country or world. With everything we're dealing with, she's so cheerful and always says "How are you?" to me. Once I said "Hunky dory" and she said, "I know.." seemingly to get my sarcasm. Then why ask me? Leave me alone. I bet even if we were under attack by North Korea she'd be cheerful. It's so fake.

The holidays are also at the end of the year, when the days are short (usually cold) and tax season is just the following month. All the bills will arrive then. My relatives, all deceased, have birthdays during this time too.

I also cringe when I hear "Happy New Year". Why do we tout that because the year is new, it's time to be "happy"? I feel like I've been living Groundhog Year, with the same bs every year. (Reference to the movie Groundhog Day, when a guy kept reliving it---actually I liked this movie, it was fun) Not much changes and stuff keeps going wrong. Recently I was waiting for something to happen and our mailboxes got vandalized and broken into about a month ago.

It doesn't help that this site has a Christmas thread at the top of the screen, and I can't hide it right now. This is the first year that I've seen that appear at the top, so "in your face". Now I'm afraid someone will start a NYE thread afterwards.

Originally Posted by SpaghettiLegs View Post
snip: I always feel down around Christmas and New Year, the only really big holidays here.
I've heard it isn't hyped up in Europe as much as in the US; I don't know about Asia, Australia, South America, or Africa. Canada is similar to the US in their culture, it's probably hyped there too. I was taught in school there's 7 continents: North America, South America, Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia and Antarctica. The last wouldn't have holiday hype for sure. It's the only place you can avoid it completely I bet.

Call me "owl" for short!

Hmmm....looks like some good tips in here.

"Okay, enough photos. I'm a very BUSY Business Kitty, so make an appointment next time."
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