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Default Dec 27, 2023 at 01:15 AM
So, the partners and the firm administrator require all the employees to complete a feedback form and email it to the firm administrator. Your basic self performance review, that will later be evaluated. I don’t like it one bit. It is triggering my self-sabotage. I will fill it out anyway.

Mostly, I am going to give feedback about my new coworker - another paralegal like me, who has actual paralegal experience, but is doing the legal assistant work also like me at this law firm.

My performance goals are obvious: learn to do my job well and communicate better. That is too generalized so I have to be more detailed. But it is the gist.

Back to my new legal assistant coworker. She is the total opposite of me: very quiet and will not ask for help. She is also VERY sick right with an upper respiratory infection. Today she sneezed 30 times in a row. She wasn’t wearing a mask and sits directly across from me. So, i consider myself effed now.

I didn’t know how sick she was until today. I must have asked her ten times, “Are you sure you shouldn’t go home. You are falling asleep at your desk and you are mumbling a lot and aren’t doing your work.” I’m sure I sounded like a horrible person. I tried to sound empathetic but I hate it when people show up to work extremely ill. They just make the entire office as sick as them, spreading their virus around.

I did not go complain about her to anyone, considering how that backfired for me already. I get it. She probably shows up b/c we’re paid hourly, not salaried. And she hasn’t been there long enough to even accrue 8 hours yet of paid time off. It’s obvious to everyone she’s sick. No one could see her sleeping at her cubicle though b/c of where ours are located; ours face a wall so there’s no one to see us.

I need advice. What to write strategically to save face on my self performance review form. What do I do about my sick coworker who refuses to recover at home and will just make everyone in the office, including me sick as a dog. I will wear a mask tomorrow but it may already be too late since she sneezed and coughed around my cubicle area. I didn’t touch my face and washed my hands but in 3-5 days if I get an upper respiratory infection, I’ll know where it came from (her).
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