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Default Dec 29, 2023 at 09:02 AM
Signs of a toxic workplace include the following:


Communication is ineffective, or employees feel like they’re being lied to.
Passive-aggressive communication is common.
Tempers are frayed and people argue, rather than debate.
Miscommunications fester – rather than being resolved.
Employees regularly get involved in unhealthy conflicts.

Mental Health

People feel like they never get a break.
People feel like they’re ‘walking on eggshells’.
There’s a culture of tactic, or explicit, bullying.
People are defensive a lot or behave aggressively.
Employees show signs of stress or depression.
Lack of motivation is common.


Metrics matter but people don’t seem to.
People are treated unfairly.
Employees feel unappreciated.
Employees behave as if they’re under threat.
Office gossip or ‘cliquey’ behavior proliferates.
Unnecessary micro-management is common.
Employees don’t feel like they’re important.
Employees don’t perceive they have control over their actions, the ability to make decisions, or the ability to make a difference.


It’s not always clear who’s responsible for work and people are afraid to ask.
Employees miss deadlines, and deliver work late, or to a lower standard.
Companies create unrealistic KPIs, or metrics that are impossible to achieve.
Teams fight against each other, rather than collaborating.
The boss behaves irrationally, or unreasonably.
Promotions and pay rises are inconsistent.
There’s high employee turnover.
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Thanks for this!
nonightowl, WovenGalaxy