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Default Jan 02, 2024 at 11:13 PM
I've been at this legal assistant job for 2 months now. Before me, their previous legal assistants all were fired or quit and I was ALONE in my role until they hired the second legal assistant. I get the feeling that they have very unrealistic expectations. They "expect" me to train the other legal assistant, when I haven't even been at my job that long. I feel like I'm being taken advantage of, and sabotaged by their unrealistic expectations. It doesn't matter how much I communicate, or if I ask them the same question. They just want me to "get it."

Every other legal assistant, legal secretary job pays the same hourly rate, much to my chagrin. I can't get a real paralegal job unless I start as a legal assistant.
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Tart Cherry Jam, WovenGalaxy
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