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Default Jan 03, 2024 at 10:47 PM
Originally Posted by Tart Cherry Jam View Post
I do not understand why, while Divine keeps referring you to vocational services, you never go and yet you talk at length about you physical, mental, and learning ailments. Go to vocational services.
Are you annoyed with me now? Things aren’t that simple. Most of those places can only do so much. I have looked into a lot of places for my health for example & have found that no one is able or willing to help people who aren’t considered very low income as everything is based off the combined household income, not an individuals income where I live.

I have tried in vain to get help for my issues but the only places I’ve managed to find was a place that offered student therapist therapy for a year at $5 a week as it is based on an individuals income.

I got dropped after 2 years after I ended up with a student therapist who didn’t like me for a change. She wasn’t that experienced & I overwhelmed her, and she didn’t like the fact that I didn’t make any progress in the few months she knew me.

So her & her supervisor banned me from using their services claiming they couldn’t help me. I am still seing a free psychiatrist who stubbornly resists trying different medications with me. She always insists on upping the current dosage first even though it’s not working,

See how frustrated I am? These free government places are severely limited in what kind of help they can offer people.

Especially people who aren’t low income by their definition. Same with my health issues. Planned Parenthood for example charged mire than my actual gynecologist at the time.

They said that they do verify income & that they only help low income people. They themselves don’t do it, but another party does & if you’re caught lying, you’d get into legsl trouble. There was no point in me paying more money for that for a routine exam.

Please don’t judge me until you’ve walked in my shoes.

I have obviously tried many things & the system keeps failing & rejecting me.

I can’t get on disability either as you yourself have stated that I need 40 work credits that I don’t have.

It’s not like I’m not trying . Hell, I worked at a horrible retail job recently when I was very sick too! And I stayed there for two or three weeks despite being treated badly too!

I wasn’t properly trained. They refused to train
me after the first day. I was bullied there too by numerous people.

So obviously I’m trying but no one wants to give me a break or really help me!!!

I did apply for a lot of jobs but only that one retailer offered me a job. I had no choice but to accept it as no one else wanted to hire me,

So obviously I’m doing something to help myself.

On top of that, every domestic violence shelter is always full! So I literally have nowhere to go!

Last edited by jesyka; Jan 03, 2024 at 11:12 PM..
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