Originally Posted by Nammu
There’s quite a few mentally challenged people in my high rise that do not drive. The youngest one plays games with us . But they all have their own apartment and various kinds of help. This used to be for seniors only but there wasn’t enough seniors here so they opened it up to the disabled. It might help your anxiety to know you had skills to fall back on.
That's something to think about. If something happens to my mom my step-dad said I could live with him, also my sister already said I can live with her or behind them in a small trailer or fixed up shed, I also have nieces and nephew who would take me in the event something happened to my sister. So I'm ok that way. I've just been unhealthy attached to my mom. Horrible separation anxiety as far back as I can remember. I used to scream and cry if she went to the bathroom or outside or went somewhere. I know one day she won't be here and it makes me panic and have anxiety.