Jan 19, 2024 at 03:59 AM
Originally Posted by LonesomeTonight
I prefer "please."
I have noticed non-native English speakers seem more likely to use "kindly." So I just chalk it up to that (if I receive that in an email). I also think "kindly" seems more formal.
I agree. To me “kindly” feels both more formal and feels a little grating, probably because it sometimes is used by native English speakers in a patronizing or condescending way.
A person who did not grow up with that context probably means it literally and doesn’t intend (or receive) the subtext. Can you approach it from that standpoint, placing it in a cultural/language context?
Also, just throwing out there for curiosity- does she have to change it? Even if everyone hates it.
Since you cannot do good to all, you are to pay special attention to those who, by accidents of time, or place, or circumstance, are brought into closer connection with you. (St. Augustine)