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Old Jan 20, 2024, 05:45 AM
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Have Hope Have Hope is offline
Wise Elder
Member Since: Dec 2017
Location: Eastern, USA
Posts: 9,517
A completely different take on a portion of your current situation? What if you change your viewpoint to see it from a far more positive light? What if you realized that you have been severing many toxic relationships, clearing your life for more fulfilling, equal, like-minded, healthy people you could meet and relate with. When you meet people you can truly relate to, where it's easy and natural to connect, talk, share, and laugh without feelings of uneasiness, anxiety or fear, the loneliness goes away. Do you know the people I'm talking about? Have you ever just "clicked" with certain personalities, the types of people who immediately "get you", understand you, and relate to you? Have you ever had that in your life? This, imho, is what you need.... the social anxiety can literally be resolved or held at bay when you meet, find, run into , bump into people you can connect with on a real, down to earth, human, and soulful level. Thats' when you don't feel so alone, when everything rights itself again, and when you feel a sense of purpose and meaning.

Perhaps think about counseling to help you overcome your social anxiety? It could be due to trauma. Abuse is traumatizing to a person's body, soul, and mind. Something to think about.
"Twenty-five years and my life is still trying to get up that great big hill of hope for a destination"

~4 Non Blondes
Thanks for this!