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Old Feb 02, 2024, 05:42 AM
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Gasplessy Gasplessy is offline
Member Since: Oct 2016
Location: Europe
Posts: 457
I never wanted to enter the psychiatric world, cause I never suffered serious stuff
Yet it happened

Getting involved in psicology and psychiatric was my downfall
I wish to everyone to go to work instead, cause it seems a better option for the day

Going to psychiatrics turns quickly into a self-fullfilling prophecy

Cause I was healthy some years ago and now I am a worm labelled with tags. Not directly blaming anyone, it was my fault but still i wish i maintened full control over my life

I am not an anti-vax or alt-right person

Just find it crazy that i cant even try to explain to a doctor my life and the fact that i am trying to stop taking meds without him minimizing my reasons
He is getting pay to not even listen to a word
Hugs from:
Fuzzybear, mote.of.soul, unaluna