My last treadmill workout at Orangetheory:
347 calories
26 Splat points (26 Orange plus 20 Green), my highest count of Splat points so far and I have taken 10 classes
AVG HR 135, PEAK HR 150
2.36 miles and 44 minutes overall
I was ready for stretching afterwards as I experienced soreness. The stretching part of the class after power walking was somehow so smart that I was no longer sore after it.
All but one last minutes was nearly flat at 1% incline. The last minute was all out at 4 MPH and 10% incline.
So that was yesterday. Last night I went to a rowing workshop. We did some drills but otherwise sat and listened to the coach. The drills were tough, though, and my pectoral muscles are sore today!
I plan to go again on the Presidents' day.