Am I addicted to alcohol?
My PCP says I am, and I must stop drinking.
I told him that I drink a glass of wine with dinner every night, and usually 2 drinks later as I watch TV / movies on my way to bed. I have done this for ~20 years.
Given my body weight, I time these so my BAC never exceeds 0.06% so I can always legally drive.
But he says that nobody can drink three drinks a day without being addicted. Then he gave me a 30 minute lecture on withdrawals.
I guess I am in denial, and I know that denial is standard among alcoholics. I just don't see how I can be an alcoholic if I have never gotten drunk.
I stopped drinking the third week of November.
How long do I wait for these withdrawal symptoms to kick in? I thought maybe 6 to 8 weeks, but so far I have not had any.