Thread: Roll Call 202
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Old Feb 22, 2024, 10:13 PM
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Blue_Bird Blue_Bird is online now
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Member Since: Jun 2013
Location: Middle Earth
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I have to go to the IRS building tomorrow to confirm my identity for my tax return, because they still have my old address so I have to go there in person to straighten it out. I have an appointment there tomorrow there at 2. It's a 15 min walk to the bus stop, an hour bus ride, then a 15 minute walk to the building. Ughhhh it's gonna be a long day. But at least once this is done they can finally process my refund. I'm nervous because I never go that far from home and I always worry about getting lost or something but it should be fine. I have plenty of bus fare on my card. I have my phone so I can check the map. I just have to be calm and do it. It will probably be good for me anyway to kind of get out of my shell I keep myself in by staying in my city all the time, I never venture out far. So maybe this will give me some confidence to get out further and do more stuff
“All the darkness in the world cannot extinguish the light of a single candle.” -St. Francis of Assisi

Schizoaffective disorder Bipolar type
Social Anxiety Disorder
Anorexia Binge/Purge type
Thanks for this!
Angelique67, cogladaid, Desoxyn