I had an excellent night of sleep last night.
Slept from midnight to 5AM. Woke up at 1AM, but got pissed and decided I wasn't getting up (even if I had to pee really bad lol). So I am HAPPY! Had a wonderful appointment with my therapist. We talked about some of my goals and one of them is to fix my shyt sleep. Hopefully last night wasn't an anomaly.
My pdoc's office called in more seroquel for me, so I have to pick that up on Monday. I guess their temporary resolution is to give me more seroquel. Whatever. I'm not complaining. The shyt feels better than a benzo. If I had to choose between diazepam and seroquel (like I had absolutely NO choice here and lets say there would be NO benzo withdrawal in this hypothetical situation) I would choose seroquel 100%. Seroquel and I are tight.
Anyway... so I'm writing my flash fiction tonight. I have an idea for one. Now that I'm over my atypical pneumonia (still don't know what the **** that means) I'm feeling creative again. I'm also self-publishing three of my novels, so I've been going through them and formatting and editing. Most excited! Going to be very cool.
Mood-wise today I feel great! I'm really looking forward to March. Going to be a great month!
I hope everyone is having a good day! And that it's nice and sunny 🌞 and warm where you live. It's colder than a pair of naked butt cheeks here and gloomy as hell.