Thank you for sharing. I too feel like having people who understand you is important. It makes me feel more inclined to do the right thing. Strangely, getting in touch with the "dark side" without feeling judged makes me feel more inclined to harness it for good. On the other hand, if I feel like I am being singled out or demonized, I may feel inclined to be just that. I find that negative reinforcement doesn't do me well (but then again positive reinforcement doesn't do much either - I mostly am self motivated). It makes me shut down, or possibly angers me, and usually becomes a self fulfilling prophecy. Because I try hard to do the right thing. And when my efforts are minimized, I think "what's the point" and might stop trying.
Which leads me to think about others, who do have the natural ability to empathize - to them I say, harness it. Do not sacrifice this skill for anything. I see too often naturally empathetic people who suppress it. I don't like playing that game. Fighting fire with fire is never a good idea. And more importantly, empathy is a great skill that shouldn't be taken for granted.