Does anyone else avoid talking about therapy outside of therapy? I have only told a few of my closest friends that I'm in therapy and I never discuss why, or how it's going, or anything like that. I was wondering if people actually talk to the people in their lives about their therapy, the importance of the therapy relationship to them, etc.?
I don't. I guess I like to have it all compartmentalized so that I don't have to think about it or answer questions about it the rest of the time. But it is strange to not share something that is so important to me and that takes up so much of my mental energy with the people who I am closest to...for example, not being able to explain why I'm preoccupied, in a bad mood, etc. when it relates to therapy. I sometimes wonder if that secrecy hurts those relationships. But maybe there is some advantage to working on some stuff separately in therapy and not having to "taint" RL relationships with it. Just curious how others handle this.