So, I attached to my baby blanket, as many babies do. But I was extremely dependent on it.
Kudos to my mother for not taking it away from me. She tried once, and I threw such a fit she gave it back to me.
There were times I didn’t go to sleep over parties because I wouldn’t/couldn’t sleep without it, and I was embarrassed to bring it because I was too old to still have one. The kids would have made fun of me, or worse yet, done something to harm it and I was so attached I wouldn’t dream of taking that chance.
I did not stop sleeping with it nightly until after I was married. I still have it and will still sleep with it if I am feeling especially insecure.
I didn’t think I was emotionally neglected as a child, but I now understand that I was. I have also read being overly reliant on a transitional object is linked to BPD, and I do have borderline traits.
I just thought I’d put this out there. I am not ashamed.
My close friends and even my lovers all thought it was sweet!
Others here may have overly dependent attachments on transitional objects, too.