After three years I was finally diagnosed. I was dismissed so many times, and if the medicals did anything, they did labs. No one even checked my body. When one did, she saw at once what ailed me. I had broken my back. That is why I had all that pain. Usually compression fractures are small and will heal, mine were bad and I have shrunk 9 centimeters from the vertebrae just flattening, three of them.
Was finally given oxy, which I hated and talked them into giving be a buprernorphine patch. It's way too weak, but I get what I get. Luckily it is a substance that is on the black market. Not that I recommend people that route. I don't have it, only other pain pills. They do help a bit, but not as much as I want.
I've now been having this pain for four years. It's kind of harsh. Put my life on hold, since it drained me of energy, for a while I slept 23 hours a day. But just getting a diagnosis helped, now they cannot say I imagine it.