Thread: Shame
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Default Apr 02, 2024 at 02:36 PM
Hi, TheGal, as someone who used to experience a lot of shame, and now experiences a bit less but is still a work in progress, here is what I know:

I've heard that the way to overcome shame is to tell someone you feel safe with about it. Not everyone has this, and I'd advise not rushing yourself to tell someone if you don't yet know of anyone.

Self compassion helps. The way I practice this is through journaling and also putting myself around people and in environments I feel accepted by and comfortable in.

You could also try owning the things that make you feel embarrassed. Example: I used to be ashamed of certain things about myself. Then I started seeing these qualities being compassionately and kindly portrayed in the media and entertainment I liked. It was like a world opened up for me. The beginning of liking myself.

Thank you for sharing the links, I'll check them out!
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