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Member Since Feb 2018
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Default Apr 04, 2024 at 10:59 PM
Wow I was watching a youtube video about a guy, Paul Bonacci, that I just learned about who has so many similarities to me it's just weird. Btw my first name is Paul, but my last name is not Bonacci, so he's not me. I discovered him through chatGPT, so most of what I know about him is through chatGPT, but I did watch an hour and a half video of him. His dad signed him up to some government program as a young child that was really MK-Ultra. According chatGPT, Mr. Bonacci claims the MK-Ultra program had numerous purposes, one of which was to enhance intelligence and cognitive abilities. Mr. Bonacci's father made attempts to intervene. Another coincidence is that the alter that knows about all of this is a computer-like alter. That a lot of coincidences. In my post earlier today I wrote the following:

"HAL is an inner world computer who told the front, Paul, "I am the keeper of the library of your early childhood memories."

"Idk where this is going. I've always had this gut feeling my dad took me to this facility or place where they did things to me. I have memories of one of the inner world people telling us, the front, that when the body was a baby our dad took us to a government place where they did things to us and that the inner world people believe it was part of MK-Ultra. Also the inner people say that our dad took us what they think is a court where my dad got the judge to free us from having to take us to the facility where supposedly they shattered our mind, but our much older demon brother surely had no problems doing that. Anyway if true then I think my dad signed me up for some government project. Perhaps they promised my dad it was an experiment to increase a child's intelligence. One thing is 100% true, and that is I have always thought completely different than kids and adults. Like, it's so different I have often felt like an ET. And I can do ultra ultra deep thinking and perceive things that other people can't perceive. Anyway I don't want to talk about that anymore."
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