I got grocery delivery today. Didn’t feel up to going to the grocery store. Got everything on my list.
Have work tonight from 3pm to 7pm. 3 hour 45 min shift and a 15 min break.
I get such bad pre-work anxiety. Idk if that will ever go away or if that’s normal for everyone. But yeah, work tonight. Then I can come home and go to sleep and sleep in tomorrow. (I have been up since yesterday morning so over 24 hours now. )
I’m a little frustrated because usps tried to deliver my bfs chessboard to him today I got him and it said delivery unsuccessful due to there not being a secure location to leave package. And he’s sleeping right now because he works nights. So I guess I’ll see if they can reattempt the delivery. There’s not really a day he’ll be home though to get it cause he’s sleeps during the mornings /afternoon and works in the evenings/late nights. And there’s not really time for him to go pick it up at the post office cause of his hours being the way they are. So I’m frustrated about that, it was supposed to be there today in time for our anniversary dinner tomorrow.
Yeah…I feel okay. I’m exhausted. Just ready for tonight to be done so I can come home and sleep. My mind is telling me to stay home and sleep. But I’m trying not to.