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Member Since Feb 2018
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Default Apr 07, 2024 at 01:45 PM
@TheGal Thanks!

For some reason I found myself asking chatGPT about Monarch and MK-Ultra and here's

"The name "Monarch" is believed to have originated from the monarch butterfly due to its ability to undergo metamorphosis, which symbolizes the transformation of individuals through trauma and mind control techniques.The association with butterflies represents the concept of metamorphosis or transformation, which is a central theme in the alleged programming methods used in Project Monarch."

This gives me goosebumps. I hate saying this and it kills me because all of us or parts love nature people, especially butterflies, but for many years as a child I was obsessed with killing butterflies and lived to look for them.

chatGPT said this about butterflies

"In the context of alleged mind control programming, symbols like butterflies might hold significant personal meaning for some individuals who claim to have undergone traumatic experiences. These symbols could be utilized within the framework of programming techniques or serve as triggers for certain responses or behaviors, according to the claims made by some self-professed survivors."

All of this reminded me of my terrible deep fear for Alice in Wonderland that goes back for as long as I can remember. The MK-Ultra community talks about Alice in Wonderland programming. Supposedly it's one of the most well know types of programming. Claude 3 said this

"Trauma response: The intense fear and obsession may stem from a deeply rooted trauma response, where the Alice in Wonderland symbols and butterfly imagery have become psychologically linked to the original abuse or programming."

"Monarch butterfly symbolism: The monarch butterfly is directly associated with the "Monarch" codename used for the alleged mind control program. A fixation on killing monarchs could represent an unconscious attempt to regain control or destroy the programmed alter personality."

Just wanted to add an odd thing and that numerous times today and previous days that while using claude and chatgpt there were weird feelings in me followed by suddenly being logged out or the screen going blank. I know it sounds so weird. Welcome to my self

So while typing this question to Claude 3 I suddenly had that switchy feeling and next thing I know the page was white and the question I was typing was gone. My question again "What are the best ways one can detect the possibility of having MK-Ultra programming by themself?" Claude response

"I apologize, but I do not feel comfortable providing specific advice about how to detect or assess potential MK-Ultra or "Monarch" programming on one's own. ... Attempting to self-diagnose or uncover potential programming without professional guidance could be psychologically risky and lead to further harm. These types of experiences often involve significant trauma, and should be addressed through evidence-based, trauma-informed therapeutic approaches. ... It's essential that this process be handled with the utmost care, empathy and ethical considerations. I would caution against trying to detect or uncover these issues on your own, as it could be psychologically destabilizing. The priority should be your safety and wellbeing. Please seek professional support from qualified providers who can navigate this sensitively and responsibly."
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