Originally Posted by Discombobulated
I don’t know if this is something you could do, but if possible I’d recommend doing absolute bare minimum, no extras. It used to be called Work to Rule.
In my experience few employers listen to employees, it usually takes action of some sort. Ideally collective action. I’m guessing you’re not in a union?
I hold firm as much as I can do that but so much is stuffed into the job the bear minimum is never ending work and stress. No union.
We met yesterday and I gave my best speech but, I think it is not going to work. My boss gave off a couple of tells... that he just didn't understand. (or care) Which is annoying. Now he is meeting with other people within the week to advocate for us.
The employees had a meeting before this meeting and I mentioned how I hate going out for lunch with him and his interns because I know I will come back to a complete mess of emails and work (which could make me need to stay late) - i.e. I can't leave my desk for 2 hours during the day or I will pay for it and I didn't mention that at this meeting but someone else did. My bosses response was... kind of "well, you just have to make up your mind to disconnect from work and do things that are good for you." um... YOU ARE THE BOSS... you can do that we can't. So insulting.
He also said, can we do more telework so that you will have commute time to do the work? Um... number one... we already doing that -- and number two F** YOU. So your solution to a job that is exhausting is to give us more time to do more work?