I saw my counselor for the first time in a few weeks. Either I'm overthinking my bipolar symptoms or my counselor (trauma is her specialty) isn't giving them enough weight. Lately, I feel like she is hunting for triggers for my physical health too instead of accepting that this might just be a physical illness. I also think she isn't a huge fan of meds. Once, awhile back, she said she agrees I need them but then more recently she made a comment about how meds were never meant to be for long term use...Last I checked though, having bipolar disorder is a long term deal so I don't really get what her point was there...
I also wonder if she, for awhile now, has been thinking she's not the right counselor for me but is waiting for me to decide this in order to not cause damage. She made a comment about CBT today and did so awhile back too.
I'd also bet money she doesn't agree with the med options I'm exploring. Not that this matters though.